It's more than obvious that EMiRants has been on hiatus. For far too long, at that.
The fact of the matter is, it takes far too long for me to sit down, think about something to bitch about, and then rage on with tablet pen in one hand to create an illustration using my trustworthy MacBook. I know I've abandoned EMiRants far too long, at it was, and will still remain to be, one of my favorite projects I've worked on. I started it off with a "Oh-whatever" feeling with it, and I let myself drag along that feeling for far to long.
With that, I am officially bringing an end to EMiRants.
That doesn't mean my snarky bitchy attitude has died. In fact, I've finally decided to put my time and effort into a new project that I've been meaning to do for a while. It's almost 3 years since I've moved to LA, and I've always wanted to document the "NEW CULTURAL DISCOVERIES" (which, at times, leads to self-discoveries...) I've experienced, and still experience to this day. Thank you all for your support in the past year, and I hope I can still have the same support from you all with my new project.
So with that, I present to you;